What is Brainfuse?
Brainfuse is a live one-on-one online tutoring service that Ocean County Library has subscribed to for all its resident library or paid temporary card holders to use for FREE. It also offers many other related educational and live coaching services in its two main products: HelpNow and JobNow.
Who are the tutors?
Brainfuse tutors are screened, trained, and managed directly by Brainfuse. All Brainfuse tutors have at least a four year degree and are background checked. Tutors include a mix of professional tutors, retired instructors, graduate students and college faculty members. Only tutors with proven backgrounds in tutoring/teaching in their respective fields are hired by Brainfuse. Over 80% of tutors have a Master’s degree or a Ph.D. in their field.

What is HelpNow?
It is free live one-on-one online tutoring from a Brainfuse tutor. Tutoring is available in math, science, writing and other subjects for elementary, middle school, high school and college students. All Brainfuse tutors have at least a four year degree and are background checked. HelpNow includes live online help for Spanish Language help from Spanish speaking tutors, a writing lab that gives feedback on written assignments within 24 hours and much more.
Open DatabaseFeatures:
Live Tutoring: Students submit a question in our online classroom and receive live, one-on-one assistance from a Brainfuse tutor.
SkillSurfer: Our skills building service helps students master a concept or skill through state aligned online lessons with a live tutor. HelpNow Skills Building has been designed for a variety of age groups and academic needs.
Writing Lab: Our writing tutors help students become better writers by providing constructive feedback, and other assistance usually within 24 hours of receiving a student’s submission.
Send Question: Students submit questions via our online form and a tutor will respond usually within 24 hours to the student’s question.
Language Lab: Students receive live online help with their Spanish language homework from our fluent Spanish-speaking tutors.
LEAP Learning Platform: Diagnostic test center with detailed study plans, lessons and live tutoring.
Adult Learning Center: Adult Learning Center is the adult learners’ version of HelpNow where users can access GED prep, U.S citizenship test prep, resume assistance, Microsoft Office support, and Career Resources which lists popular job search links. Microsoft Office support allows users to ask questions about Excel, Word and PowerPoint. Writing Lab, Send Question and the Skills Building are also included in the Adult Learning Center suite.
FlashBulb: Users can access and create interactive learning games, quizzes and flashcards.
eParachute: Use eParachute to discover your strengths and unique talents to map out your future career.
Meet: Schedule a live study group session with friends and instructors. Invitees receive the invite in their email inbox and simply click on the Meet link to join the organizer. Attendees need not be Brainfuse users.
Brainwave: Record movie-like whiteboard sessions to record solutions to homework problems, class projects, or any other concepts that involve motion or sequencing.

What is JobNow?
Free live resume experts, live interview coaches and job coaches to help you on your job search. Submit your resume for expert feedback, career assessment tools and job resources, skill building lessons, videos, practice tests, resume creation software, match your skills and interests to careers and more.
Open DatabaseFeatures:
Resume Expert: Connect with one of Brainfuse’s live resume experts to review and help you build a winning resume.
Resume Lab: Submit your resume and receive expert feedback.
Live Interview Coach: Connect with one of Brainfuse’s live interview coaches to brush up on your interview skills.
Interview Resources: Prepare for your successful interview.
Live Job Coach: Expert assistance with searching applying and preparing for jobs.
Career Assessments and Job Resources: Where to begin your search.
And much more...

What is CollegeNow?
Online college admissions counselors help students navigate all aspects of the college application process, including developing a list of target schools, admissions essay review, application resources, test prep materials, essay writing guides, help identifying and applying for financial aid, live experts to help prepare for college admissions interviews, and more. This database is provided with funding from the Ocean County Library.
Open DatabaseFeatures:
Homework Help: Interact with live tutors in math, science, reading/writing, social studies, PSAT/SAT, ACT, AP and state standardized tests.
Skills-Building: Choose your topic to receive real-time help.
Personalized eLearning Tools: My File Sharing, My Session Replay, My Tutoring Archive, My Tests Archive, and more!
24-Hour Writing Lab: Submit essays and other forms of writing for constructive
Adult Learning Center: Access a library of rich adult learning content (GED) and live, professional assistance in resume/cover letter writing, U.S. citizenship prep, MS Office Essential Skills Series, and more!
Foreign Language Lab/Spanish-Speaking Support