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What do the statuses mean on a patron's hold request list?

Active - When a hold request is placed, its status is automatically set to active.
Cancelled - The library canceled the hold at the patrons request, patron cancelled the hold requests, or the hold
request was in the status of unclaimed, then the library removed it from their hold shelves.
Expired - If a hold request is not filled within the specified period of time, the request status automatically changes to expired. Currently set to 1 year of when the hold request was placed.
Held - The item is ready for the patron to pick up.

How do I place a request?

When you see a title you want, look for the Place Request button. If you are not signed in, you will be asked to log in
with your library Barcode number and your Password. Once you are logged in, choose the branch where you want
to pick up your item(s) from the Pickup Locations pull down menu. Finally, click the Submit Request button.
Don’t forget to log out when you are done especially if you are using the catalog on a public computer.