Resources for Autistic Individuals and Their Caregivers
Listed below are resources that are designed to assist both developmentally disabled individuals and those who care for them. These resources are divided into five sections:
- Links to the websites of autism-related organizations.
- Autism-Related Facebook Groups.
- A link to “The Best Autism Apps” according to Autism Parenting Magazine in (2024).
- Printable DIY sensory activities for all ages.
- A description of the Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) devices available at the Brick, Little Egg Harbor, and Stafford Branches of the Library.
Adult Services (Support Coordination through the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities and More)
Ability Advocates of NJ → Transition from children’s system of care to adult services, support coordination
Adult Independent Services → Assistance with determining wheth er high school students will be eligible for state-funded services as adults
Advocacy Services Unlimited → Transition from children’s system of care to adult services, support coordination, individual services
The ARC, Ocean County Chapter → Residential services, employment services, recreational programs
Assisting Hands Home Care → Community-based support, in-home care, respite
Beacon Specialized Living New Jersey Inc. → Support coordination, housing, supported employment
Blue Dot: Social and Community Wellness → Wellness and social programs for disabled adults
A Bright Tomorrow → Support coordination
A Care Connection of New Jersey → Support coordination
Caring with Compassion → Employment services, specialized companions, respite care, DDD transition services, saturday socialization
Community Care Partners → Community-Based supports (assistance with housing, employment, daily living skills, recreation)
Community Options → Housing, respite, case management, day training, supported employment, speech therapy, behavior therapy, OT, PT
Disability Navigators LLC → Support coordination
Equal Opportunity Support Services → Support coordination
Evermore Lifestyle Solutions → DDD provider of recreational programs, support coordination, transition planning, family education
Experienced Support Coordination → Support coordination
Jewish Service for the Developmentally Disabled → Residential services, PT, OT, speech therapy
Kaleidoscope Family Solutions → Behavior supports, community-based supports, individual supports (in-home), employment support
MOCEANS Center for Independent Living → Independent living, support coordination, youth transition, education & advocacy
New Horizons in Autism → ABA therapy, day programs, residential services
The Open Door of NJ → Day program, pre-vocational program, residential services
PrimeTime Center → Adult day programs (life skills, recreation, social skills, employment skills)
Prism Support Services → Support coordination
Royal Community Support → Community-Based living and support, in-home support, behavioral services
Rutgers Center for Adult Autism Services → Employment training, academic support, social support, clinical services
Skylands Family Services → Support coordination
SPWA Services → Support coordination
21 Plus, Inc. → Residential services, employment services, supported employment
Autism Research
Autism Science Foundation → Research and information for caregivers
Eagles Autism Foundation → Funds research and offers “All Abilities” sports clinics
LifeSPAN Autism Lab (part of Rutgers Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, and affiliated with Rutgers Center for Adult Autism Services → Conducts research that aims to advance understanding of autism in adulthood
Organization for Autism Research (OAR) → Funds studies on subjects such as education, communication, parent and teacher training, social skills, employment, etc.
Disabled Individual and Caregiver Support and Assistance
Autism New Jersey → Information about autism, education and training, caregiver support and referral to specialists
- Hotline: 1-800-428-8476
Canine Companions → Service dogs
The Color of Autism Foundation → Provides support to african american families with autism
Mom2Mom Helpline → Peer support to caregivers
- Hotline: 1-877-914-6662
New Jersey Autism Warriors → Facebook group that provides peer support to caregivers
NJAAIDD → Funds emergency expenses of intellectually or developmentally disabled individuals where no other source of funding is available
Ocean County Family Support Organization → Peer support, family training
Ocean Partnership for Children → Care management and service planning for children with behavioral and emotional challenges (accessible through PerformCare)
SPAN Parent Advocacy Network → Caregiver support and resource center
Financial Resources
ABLE National Resource Center → ABLE accounts allow disabled individuals and their caregivers to save private funds to supplement benefits provided through Social Security and Medicaid
Disability Advice → Assists individuals with applying for Social Security Disability Insurance
New Jersey ABLE → Provides specific information on NJ’s ABLE program, including contact information
Medicaid (General Information) → Describes the eligibility requirements of applying for Medicaid to fund medical services and therapies
NJ FamilyCare → New Jersey’s Medicaid program - Apply for Medicaid on this site
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) → Provides monthly payments to disabled people who have little or no income
Fitness, Wellness, and Sports
Autism Movement Project → Physical fitness and team sports
Little League Challenger Division → Adaptive baseball program
ZR Fit and Wellness → Adaptive and inclusive fitness. Teaches individuals to use gym equipment. Also offers running, martial arts, and dance classes.
Government Resources
The Americans with Disabilities Act → The ADA Law, first enacted in 1990, prohibits discrimination based on disability
New Jersey Department of Health → The New Jersey Autism Registry enables families to be referred to organizations that will assist them
New Jersey DHS - Division of Disability Services → Housing resources
New Jersey DHS - Division of Disability Services → Information on college resources and financial aid
New Jersey DHS - Division of Disability Services → Resources for financial assistance
New Jersey DHS - Division of Disability Services → Transportation services
New Jersey Disability Information Hub → Provides a gateway to assistance with all aspects of living with a disability – including transportation, emergency planning, legal and advocacy services, assistive technology, and much more
New Jersey Office of the Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families → Works with disabled individuals and their caregivers to obtain services
New Jersey Family Care → Health insurance for those who don’t have employer insurance
Hobbies and Interests
The Art of Autism → Provides a forum for displaying and promoting the works of autistic artists, film producers, singers, and writers
Information and Referral
Autism New Jersey → Information and referral, public policy
- Hotline: 1-800-428-8476
New Jersey DOE – Office of the Special Education Ombudsman → Provides information and support to students, caregivers, and educators regarding special education rights and services
New Jersey Office of the Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families → Works with disabled individuals and their caregivers to obtain services
Ocean County DHS – Children’s Inter-Agency Coordinating Council → Consisting of parents, service providers, and others, CIACC oversees behavioral health services in Ocean County
Ocean County DHS – Office for Individuals with Disabilities → Information and referral
Ocean County Health Department → Information and referral
SPAN Parent Advocacy Network → Information and referral, caregiver support and resource center
Legal Services
Community Health Law Project → Legal and advocacy services
Freeman Law Offices → Special education law, estate planning, adult services
Hinkle Prior & Fischer → Special education law, estate planning
Mack Rosenberg Law, LLC → Assists families in obtaining health insurance coverage for disability services
The Matus Law Group → Estate planning, guardianship, special needs trusts
Sussan Greenwald, & Wesler → Special education law, estate planning
Medical Specialists
Children’s Specialized Hospital → Developmental pediatricians, neurologists, psychiatrists
Children’s Wellness & Developmental Center → Developmental evaluations, holistic evaluations, nutritional counseling, individual and family counseling
Developmental Pediatrics of Central NJ → Developmental pediatrics
Hackensack Meridian Health Child Evaluation Center at K. Hovnanian Children’s Hospital → Developmental evaluations, treatment, and referrals
KidZdent → Special needs dentistry
NeurAbilities Healthcare → Diagnostic services, neurological testing, developmental pediatricians, ABA therapy
Ocean Pediatric Dental Associates → Special needs dentistry
Multiservice Organizations (Provide Services for All Ages)
Advancing Opportunities → Residential services, assistive technology, educational advocacy
Bancroft → Services for all ages: diagnostic assessments, ABA therapy, assistive technology, severe behavior day treatment program, residential treatment
Community Access Unlimited → ABA therapy, in-home respite, support coordination, day programs, housing, employment services
Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health → Summer camp for ages 6+, behavioral health services, residential services, day programs, supported employment
Easterseals NJ → Summer camp for ages 6+, behavioral health services, residential services, day programs, supported employment
Eden Autism → School for ages 3 – 21, home-based ABA and speech therapy, adult employment training and housing
Family Resource Associates → Early intervention, therapeutic recreation programs, pre-vocational and educational classes for adults, family and sibling support groups
Ladacin Network → Early intervention, child care, school, therapy, day programs, vocational therapy, housing
New Jersey Institute for Disabilities → Early intervention, school, day programs, employment services, residential services, in-home supports, life skills development
Owen Health Care → Respite for children, support coordination, individual support, supported employment
PCDI → Early intervention, school for ages 3 – 21, adult life skills program, housing
SERV Behavioral Health System, Inc. → In-home services, vocational training, residential services
New Jersey State and Ocean County Services
If you live in Ocean County and you have concerns about the development of your child who is under the age of 3, contact the Ocean County Special Child Health Services and Early Intervention Program at or by calling 732-806-3930.
If you live in New Jersey, but outside of Ocean County, and have concerns about the development of your child who is under the age of 3, contact the state’s Early Intervention Services at or by calling 1-888-653-4463.
For behavior therapy and respite for children under the age of 21, contact PerformCare (the New Jersey Children’s System of Care) at or by calling 1-877-652-7624.
To inquire about home and community-based services for individuals 21 and older, contact the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) at or by calling 1-800-832-9173.
To download the NJ Office on Autism’s publication Autism: A Family Guide to Navigating the NJ Service Systems for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities, click here:
Public Policy
Autism New Jersey → Public policy
National Council on Severe Autism → Public policy
New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities → Public policy
Ocean County Sheriff’s Office → Safety
Schools and Educational Resources (refer to “Multiservice Organizations” for additional schools)
Advancing Opportunities → Educational advocacy
The Alliance of Private Special Education Schools of North Jersey → An arganization consisting of private special education dchools in North and Central New Jersey. Provides a school directory, and offers advocacy support and resources.
The Alpha School → School for ages 5 to 21
The Arc Family Institute → Educational advocacy
ASAH → A nonprofit organization consisting of private special education schools in New Jersey. Offers a toll-free parent assistance line, a private school placement toolkit, and a school directory
The Center School → School for ages 5 to 21
Children’s Center of Monmouth County → School for ages 3 to 21
Douglass Developmental Disabilities Center → School for ages 3 to 21, adult program for ages 21+ that focuses on employment training
Garden Academy” → School for ages 3 to 21
The Gateway School → School for ages 5 to 21
Graham Behavior Services → Educational advocacy
The Harbor School → School for ages 5 to 21
Hawkswood School → School for ages 3 to 21
New Jersey DOE - Office of the Special Education Ombudsman → Provides information and support to students, caregivers, and educators regarding special education rights and services
My Own Star, LLC → Educational advocacy
New Jersey DOE – Approved Private Schools for Students with Disabilities (In-State) → List of private special education schools that have been approved by the state of New Jersey
Ocean County College → Education (disability services) and summer camp
Ocean County Vocational Technical School → Has half-day pre-vocational training programs for neurodivergent high school students
Regional Day School at Jackson → School for ages 3 to 21
The Shore Center → School for ages 3 to 21
By Design Social Skills → Social skills groups for children and teens; counseling for all age groups
Camp Excel → Social skills groups and summer camp for children ages 5 to 18 with mild special needs
Camp Jaycee → Summer camp for adults
Camp Fatima → Free summer camp for children; free sleepaway weekends for adults
Daniel’s Music Foundation → Music classes (including free online and in-person group classes) for disabled individuals
Encouraging Kids Family Resource Center → After school, evening, and weekend programs for disabled students
The Friendship Circle of Central Jersey → Social and respite programs
Monmouth County Park System → Therapeutic recreation program offers specialized and inclusive programs, summer camps, adult day programs, and respite
Music for Autism → Free concerts for disabled individuals and their caregivers (in-person AND virtual)
POAC Autism Services → Recreational and support services, family training
Rising Treetops at Oakhurst → Summer camp, respite, after school program
RWJBarnabas Field of Dreams → Recreation center and sports complex
We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym → Indoor play
Therapy (ABA, Cognitive Behavior, DIR/Floortime, Feeding, Occupational, Physical, Speech)
Anchor Family Solutions → ABA. Providers teach parents how to work with their children.
Attain ABA Therapy → ABA
Autism Spectrum Diagnostics and Consulting → Evaluation and diagnosis, cognitive behavior therapy, social skills groups
Bayada → ABA therapy
Bierman Autism Center → Diagnostic assessments, ABA, speech, OT
Brain Builders → ABA, OT, speech, social skills groups
Brett DiNovi & Associates → ABA therapy
Busy Bees Kid’s Therapy → Feeding, Speech, OT, PT
Children’s Specialized Hospital → Speech, OT, PT, feeding therapy
Connect Plus Therapy → ABA therapy, social skills groups, after school programs, parent training
Elevate Health & Therapeutic Services → ABA, speech, OT, PT, feeding therapy, and more
The Family Resource Network (includes the affiliate Autism Family Services of New Jersey) → ABA therapy
Graham Behavior Services → ABA therapy
Hybridge Learning Group → ABA, speech, OT
Inspire Behavior Consulting → ABA. Providers teach parents how to work with their children.
Ivy Rehab for Kids → PT, OT, speech, feeding
Kaleidoscope ABA Therapy Services → ABA therapy
Links ABA Therapy Solutions → ABA therapy
Mastermind Behavior Services → ABA therapy
Positive Development → DIR/floortime
Professional Therapy Associates → ABA therapy, speech, OT, PT, social skills
Proud Moments ABA → ABA therapy
The Puzzle Place Center for Autism → Intensive early intervention, speech, OT for young children
Rainbow ABA → ABA therapy
Seashore Pediatric Therapy Center → Speech, OT, PT
Sensory Playground → ABA, OT, PT, speech
Social Behavior Learning Solutions → Early intensive behavioral intervention, school readiness, social skills groups for young children
Speech Pathology Solutions, LLC → Speech therapy
Step Up Family Services → ABA therapy
Sunny Days Sunshine Center → ABA, OT, PT, speech, social skiills
Unlocked Potential → ABA therapy
Weisman Children’s → OT, PT, speech, feeding therapy
Therapy (Art, Play, Equine, Music)
Allaire Community Farm → Equine
Chariot Riders → Equine
HorseSense Therapeutic Center → Equine
Jennifer Lawrence Art Therapy → Art and play
Mosaic Music Therapy → Music
Special People United to Ride (SPUR) → Equine
Special Strides → Equine
- Autism Parents Support Group (for caregivers)
- Autism Society Southwest New Jersey Affiliate 532 (for caregivers)
- Autism Support Group for Teens, Young Adults, and Parents (for autistic teenagers and their caregivers)
- Autism Teens and Adults of NJ (for autistic teenagers and adults)
- Autistic Adults Jersey (for autistic adults)
- Autistic NJ Neurotribe (for autistic adults)
- New Jersey Autism Warriors (for caregivers)
- New Jersey Autism Moms (for mothers, grandmothers, and female legal guardians of autistic children)
- NJ Special Needs Connection (for caregivers – provides resources)
- Parent to Parent NJ (for caregivers)
- Parents of Adults with Developmental Disabilities and Other Support Needs (for caregivers of adults)
- Parents of Sensory Kids (for caregivers)
- A REAL Autism Support Group for Teens, Adults, and Parents (for autistic teens, adults, and caregivers)
- Sib20 (for siblings of disabled individuals; geared toward ages 18 – 30)
- SibNet (for adult siblings of disabled individuals)
- SibTeen (for teen siblings of disabled individuals)
- SibsNJ (for adult siblings of disabled individuals)
Autism Parenting Magazine is a reputable publication that contains helpful information to caregivers. Each year, it publishes an article describing the best apps for autistic individuals and their caregivers.
The link to the 2024 article, which reviewed the best apps of 2023, is below.
"The Best Autism Apps" According to Autism Parenting Magazine (2024)
iPads preloaded with apps: LAMP Words for Life, Tobii Sono Flex, & My First AAC are available for in-house use at the Brick, Little Egg Harbor, & Stafford branches.
Patrons with library cards in good standing will be able to trial the apps before making the purchase for their home devices or to trial for students or patients.
AAC devices are augmentative/alternative communication systems that allow a person to communicate with those around them without speaking. There are many different types of AAC but the most common are high-tech AAC Devices that allow a person to push a button to speak a message. These are helpful for children or adults who have either lost the ability to speak or who are not able to speak well enough to clearly communicate everything that they want to say. This includes some children with conditions such as autism, childhood apraxia of speech, and other types of speech/language delays. These devices are sometimes called “communication devices” or “talkers.”
These devices are supported in full with funds provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the New Jersey State Library, award number LS-252474-OLS-22.