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- Boundless
- Creativebug
- Digital Newspapers
- Flipster
- Freegal
- hoopla
- Kanopy
- Libby and OverDrive
- World Book eBooks
Go to or download the Boundless application to your device.
Log in with an active OCL library barcode that has less than $25 in fines.
You can check out up to 3 titles at a time.
The loan period is 14 days.
You can have up to 5 active hold at a time.
Fill out the Email Us form on our website here. In the subject line, write "Creativebug” and in the message, write “Merge old card 23160XXXXXXXXX with new card 23160XXXXXXXXX.”
Find Creativebug on our website under Digital Materials.
Create an account with your name, a unique email address, and password. Each email address can only be connected to one account.
After you’ve created an account, you can access Creativebug in the following ways:
Sign in from the library’s website (, using an active OCL library card barcode.
Or, download the Creativebug application to mobile devices via the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
Search for crafts by hovering over Classes, or by using the Search box. From there, you can reach the description and check the skill level. Each class will be broken down into Chapters that you can view separately.
Every class will have included materials listed under Resources. These materials are available to download as PDF file.
Yes. To find this collection, click on Pattern Library after hovering over the Inspiration tab. Choose a pattern and download the corresponding PDF.
Creativebug’s Facebook Live session can be found by clicking on CBTV (Creativebug TV) on the website or by tapping on “CBTV” under the Filter by on the app.
- Connect to OCL Wi-Fi.
- Register or log in at
- You can now enjoy unlimited access to
- From our Digital Materials Page, click on New York Times.
- You will be prompted to enter your library barcode and PIN. Please contact your local branch for assistance if you don’t know or can’t remember your PIN or are otherwise prevented from logging in.
- A box will pop up with an alphanumeric code. Click on Redeem.
- You will be prompted to create an account by entering your email address and creating a password. Click Log In at the bottom if you already have an account with The New York Times.
- Once you log in, your code should be valid. Click Continue to proceed to the homepage. Your redemption code will be good for a 24-hour period.
Note: If you leave your session and want to return at a later time within the 24-hour period, you can’t go back in the same way with the same email address. You have to go the email sent by the NYT and click on a link to regain access to the newspaper.
- From our Digital Materials Page, click on New York Times Games.
- Click on Redeem on the next screen.
- You will be prompted to create an account by entering your email address and creating a password. Click Log In at the bottom if you already have an account with The New York Times.
- A box will pop up saying your access code is valid. Click on start playing. You will have unlimited access for 24 hours.
- From our Digital Materials Page, click on New York Times Games.
- You will be prompted to enter your library barcode and PIN. Please contact your local branch for assistance if you don’t know or can’t remember your PIN or are otherwise prevented from logging in.
- Click on Redeem on the next screen.
- You will be prompted to create an account by entering your email address and creating a password. Click Log In at the bottom if you already have an account with The New York Times.
- Note: Be sure to uncheck the “You agree to receive updates and offers from the Times box” if you don’t want to receive emails.
- A box will pop up saying your access code is valid. Select Start Playing. You will have unlimited access for 24 hours.
- From our Digital Materials Page, click on Wall Street Journal.
- You will be asked to create an account by entering your first and last name, email address, and password. Check the privacy box and uncheck the “I would like to receive updates and special offers from Dow Jones and affiliates.” If you already have an account with Wall Street Journal, then log in.
A box will pop up saying your redemption was successful. Click on “Ok, let’s go” to be taken to the Wall Street Journal homepage. You will have unlimited access for 3 days. Once your time expires, return to the OCL website for a new code.
- From our Digital Materials Page, click on Wall Street Journal.
- You will be prompted to enter your library barcode and PIN. Please contact your local branch for assistance if you don’t know or can’t remember your PIN or are otherwise prevented from logging in.
- You will be asked to create an account by entering your first and last name, email address, and password. Check the privacy box and uncheck the “I would like to receive updates and special offers from Dow Jones and affiliates.” If you already have an account with Wall Street Journal, then log in.
- A box will pop up saying your redemption was successful. Click on “Ok, let’s go” to be taken to the Wall Street Journal homepage. You will have unlimited access for 3 days. Once your time expires, return to the OCL website for a new code.
Click on the Flipster link on our Digital Materials page. Enter an active OCL library card barcode with less than $25 in fines. You can then select a magazine and read it in your browser.
Or download the Flipster app through the app store on a compatible device.
Select Get Started and then find Ocean County Library either by entering a zip code, the name, or using location services. Enter an active OCL library barcode with less than $25 in fines.
The Flipster application is compatible with iOS 9+, Android 5.0+, and Kindle OS 5.4+.
Yes, back issues are available.
To access back issues in the browser, open the most recent issue of a magazine and select the All Issues menu item to see all available issues.
To access back issues in the mobile app, tap on the info icon associated with the magazine. From the Details screen, you can browse all available back issues.
Yes, printing is available when reading a magazine on a computer, but not from a mobile device or application.
Visit or download the Freegal Music+ application to a compatible device. Register with an active OCL library card barcode with less than $25 in fines.
Streaming music is unlimited an ad-free 24/7. You may permanently download 3 songs a week, resetting on Monday of each week.
Audio files are MP3s. Files do not come with Digital Rights Management. They are available for personal, non-commercial use only.
- Songs will be available for re-download under My Music > Downloads for 2 weeks or until the song has been downloaded 2 times.
- Songs will remain available for listening under My Music > Downloads after 2 weeks on the mobile app only.
- To back up downloaded songs, you can save them on your computer or transfer them to another music listening library on your mobile device.
- Not all Freegal Music+ songs are available for download due to licensing rights.
Download to Computer
Select to download the song. The song will automatically download to your Downloads folder on your computer.
Download to iOS
- Apple products do not have the ability to download music directly from Freegal Music+ to the music library on the device, so you must use a computer as a intermediary.
- Select
to download the song.
- Import the file into iTunes by dragging the file from the Downloads folder to the iTunes application.
- Sync iTunes between your Apple device and the computer.
Download to Android
- Depending on the Android device, downloaded songs may display in your Downloads or Files folder. Otherwise, you may use a computer as an intermediary to add songs to a music listening application on your device.
- Select
to download the song.
- Log into your preferred music listening service for your device.
- For YouTube Music, go to and select your profile picture. Select Upload. Your YouTube account must be a personal, private account.
- For Spotify, open up the desktop app and go to Setting. Toggle Local Files and select Add a Source to add the folder with the music files.
- If you have Spotify Premium, you can then add these songs to playlist and sync your mobile device and computer using the same WiFi network.
Upload from Android
- On PC, plug your phone into the computer and driver software should open automatically. If not, open Files.
- Browse Internal Storage and open the file named Freegal Music.
- Then, find the file with your library card number. This folder will have all your downloaded songs. Drag this folder where you would like the songs to be.
- On Mac, you may need to use the Android File Transfer Software to see the file system on your Android mobile device. From here, follow the steps above.
Visit or contact your local branch.
hoopla is available through any web browser at
Or download the hoopla app through the app store on a compatible device.
Sign up by entering an email and password. Choose your library and then type in an active OCL library card with less than $25 in fines.
The hoopla application is compatible with iOS, Android 6.0+, and Fire OS.
- Go to your Settings on or in the hoopla mobile app.
- Go to Library Settings.
- Replace your previous listed library card with the new barcode number.
- Videos (TV/Movies): 72 hours or 3 days
- Music and Bingepasses: 7 days
- eBooks, comics, audiobooks: 21 days
A Bingepass is unlimited 7-day access to an entire collection or service.
Flex eBooks and audiobooks only. These are one copy per user and may accrue wait lists.
Instant some eBooks, some audiobooks, and all comics, TV, movies, music, and Bingepasses.
You can have up to 5 Flex items checked out at a time.
You get 8 Instant borrows a month. These borrows do not roll over into the next month.
You can have 5 titles on hold at a time.
Yes, to activate Kids Mode by toggling it ON/OFF in the corner.
No, every account must have its own email.
All titles are available for streaming using on PC or Mac. Borrowed titles are available for streaming and temporary download on iOS and Android devices.
Yes, hoopla users can enjoy content across all of their supported devices, but cannot play content on more than one device at a time.
hoopla can be cast to Apple TV and iOS devices or via a Google Chromecast. It can also stream to Android TV, Apple TV, Fire TV, and Roku.
For device-specific instructions, visit hoopla help.
hoopla adds and removes titles from their servers on a daily basis. Sometimes these updates may take time to show up in Ocean County Library systems.
Visit or contact your local branch of the Ocean County Library.
Kanopy can be accessed at or through the mobile application on compatible devices. Kanopy can also be accessed through the Libby application.
Choose your library and then type in an active OCL library card with less than $25 in fines.
Sign up by entering a first and last name, email, and password. You will need to verify your email to check out materials.
Kanopy is compatible with iOS 9.0+, Android 7.1.1+, and FireOS 5+.
- Visit Log in and select your name in the top right corner.
- Select My Account > My Libraries.
- Select the three dots next to Ocean County Library and select Edit.
- Enter your updated library card number.
Kanopy is supported on the following smart TVs:
- Android TV with Android 4.4+
- Apple TV with tvOS 10.2+
- Fire TV with FireOS 5+
- Roku with RokuOS 7.7.0+
- Samsung TV with Tizen 2.3+
- Telstra TV
Kanopy can also be cast to a TV from a compatible mobile device.
You are allotted 15 tickets a month. Tickets do not rollover.
Borrowing period varies by title, and will be displayed next to the title’s ticket cost.
Kanopy Kids is unlimited. Enter Kanopy Kids by selecting the button in the corner, or select Exit Kids to leave.
Kanopy Kids is suitable for ages 2+ with a focus on content for ages 2-8.
You can set up parental controls for Kanopy Kids by visiting your account and setting up a 4-digit pin. After this, the PIN will need to be entered to exit Kanopy Kids. If you forget the PIN, you can reset it using your registered email address.
Any title marked with PPR under the title has public performance rights. Films with PPR can be used for extracurricular events, like clubs or social events. It cannot be used at any event that charges for admission.
Running Time | Ticket Cost | Checkout Duration |
2 hours or less | 2 | 3 days |
2-4 hours | 3 | 3 days |
4-6 hours | 4 | 7 days |
6+ hours | 5 | 14-21 days |
Visit Kanopy Help or contact your local Ocean County Library branch.
Visit or
Or, access in the Libby app.
If you already have Libby, go to Add a Library.
If not, download the Libby application on a compatible device and find your library. Then, enter an active Ocean County Library card with less than $25 in fines.
Libby is compatible with iOS 10+, Android 7.1.1+, and Fire OS 5+.
Libby is compatible with some Fire Tablets. Check the compatibility of your Fire Tablet here.
Libby is not available on Kindle eReaders. Use Libby in your browser or on a compatible device, and then you may send the book to your Kindle using the instructions found here.
Fill out the Email Us form on our website here.
- In the subject line, write “Libby Merge Cards”
- In the message, write “Merge old card 23160XXXXXXXXX with new card 23160XXXXXXXXX”
You may check out 10 titles at a time.
You may have up to 5 titles on a hold at a time.
You will receive a notification according to your Notification Settings when you hold is available. You will then have 72 hours to check out the hold before it moves to the next in line. You may suspend your hold at any time to save your place in line but deliver the book later.
eBooks and audiobooks are checked out for 21 days. You can return these early by selecting Return Early in the Libby app.
Magazines do not count toward check outs but will remain on your Magazine Rack for 7 days.
Items return themselves at the end of the lending period.
Titles can be renewed if there is no wait list for the item. If applicable for renewal, the app will prompt you to renew a few days before the due date.
Digital materials come in a variety of different models, but often they are just like physical materials, with one copy per user.
Use the menu icon in Libby to access your Account and find the Get Some Help option. Alternatively, go to
If that does not resolve the issue, or you need further guidance, contact your local branch or fill out the form here.
You can visit World Book eBooks through your browser by visiting our Databases page and selecting World Book eBooks. Enter an active OCL library card barcode with less than $25 in fines to access.
If you want to use the application, you will have to visit in a browser first to make an account using the instructions here.
Once you have made an account, you can download the World Book eBook application on to a compatible device and log in.
World Book eBook application is compatible on iOS 9+ and Android 5+.
- Launch World Book eBooks and scroll to browse or use the search function to find a title.
- To download a title, tap on the Download icon
- All titles you have downloaded will be in the Downloads section.
On the app
- Open any title and tap the screen in the middle.
- On the bottom menu you will find the Table of Contents, Search, Pen, Notes, and More options. Under More you will find the option to view thumbnails of the pages or to delete your work on the page.
- The pen option has options for color, line thickness, erase, and undo.
- To exit the book, click the Home icon.
On a browser
- Select a book to view the full title, author, and description. Choose the Open button to view the book.
- Choose from the menu on the top left to access the following: the Table of Contents, View Your Notes, Search, Pen, Add Notes, and Highlight.
- Choose from the menu on the bottom left to access the following: Zoom, Full Screen, Single Page View, Thumbnail View.
- To exit the book, click the Home icon.