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Sparks is not only a dragon; he is the official mascot of the Ocean County Library! He loves travelling up and down the Jersey Shore, not only sharing his love for the Ocean County Library, but encouraging people to read!

Sparks Reading to a small plush version of Sparks.

Sparks is not only a dragon but the Ocean County Library's new best friend. He wants everyone to know that, no matter how old they are or where they are from, they are welcome at all 21 locations of the Ocean County Library. Most of all, Sparks wants to have fun getting the word out about all the great things the library has to offer from books, music, videos, story times, concerts, programs for children, and author visits. Be on the lookout for Sparks at your local branch of the Ocean County Library and at upcoming community events!

Species: Jersey-Drago Exploratoris-Imaginatio

Height: 80 books high

Weight: As light as a feather – but that must be an awfully big feather!

Color: Magenta with wings the color of sunlight and accent colors so bright that a sensible person might want to wear sunglasses if looking directly at him on very bright days.

Favorite Foods: Blueberries, cranberries, Jersey tomatoes and corn-on-the-cob, clam chowder, ice cream, Red Hot candies, barbecue food, and chili – the hotter the better!

Favorite Hobbies: Exploring. He and his family have traveled across the globe learning about all the many people of the world. When he gets older he’ll be able to travel on his own, so right now he spends his time exploring Ocean County all by himself.

Favorite Place: The Ocean County Library, of course! Sparks thinks the library is the “hottest spot” to visit. He thinks it’s cool that the library likes to “explore,” too, by visiting so many places like schools, fairs, parades, and malls. 

Most Prized Possession: Sparks is very proud to own an Ocean County Library card of his very own and he uses it every day to take out books, music, and movies. He says he even uses the computers at the library to email all the friends he has met throughout the world.

Best Day Ever: Sparks says his best day exploring was the day he discovered his new friends at the Ocean County Library. He also loves to meet his library friends when they visit schools, fairs, parades, baseball games, and the Ocean County Mall!

Special Skills: Sparks loves to wiggle his wings trying to fly (which he can’t really do but he tries anyway). Sparks can’t breathe fire, but he likes to pretend he can. He knows he looks a little silly when he tries, and he gets a kick out when he manages to “spark” laughter from his family and friends. While Sparks can’t breathe fire he can still fire up the imaginations of young people and inspire them to read.

Sparks' Story

Sparks is a “Jersey Dragon”, also known as a “Sand Dragon,” but of no relation to a “Snap Dragon,” or the fiery tempered dragons found in fairy tales. He does have relatives who live in Toledo, Ohio but they don’t breathe fire either and are quite nice neighbors other than having very bad breath from eating too many bowls of hot chili.

Sparks lived on a magical island, visible only to dragons, in the Barnegat Bay. He and his family lived there for a long, long time. His great, great, great, great granddragon, Amelia, first came to America during a time when there were some places in the world that were not very nice to dragons. They live happily on their island paradise and also spend a lot of time at their tree house in the Pinelands. Sparks lives in an invisible tree house at the Ocean County Library.

It all began one day when Sparks was exploring and he saw a group of children carrying a huge bag filled to the brim. He was so curious to know what was in the bag that he stopped them and asked. The children explained that they had just come from the Ocean County Library where there are lots of books, DVDs, and CDs. Sparks looked at the bag of everything the children had borrowed from the library and suddenly felt very sad because he wished he could go to a library, too. The children told Sparks that anyone who lives in Ocean County can visit all the 21 locations of the library and check out anything there that they want and go to all the fun story times, crafts, and concerts the library holds. Sparks was so happy he could use the Ocean County Library he wiggled his wings and jumped for joy!

Sparks brought his whole family to the Ocean County Library and they all got library cards. Because Sparks loves the library so much, the librarians got together and decided he should be our official mascot! Since that time he has been visiting places all over Ocean County. He has met many others who love the library as much as he does and helps others.

Watch Sparks get his own library card!