Solicitud de Membresía en Español


Proof of Residency is required for obtaining a library card.

Notification Preference:
4 character minimum, 16 character maximum. Password should not contain any special characters, symbols or spaces.
Are you an Ocean County Educator Applying for an Educator Card? *Proof of School Employment is required for obtaining an Educator Card*:
Are you under the age of 17?:
Are you currently a student in grades Pre-K through 12?:
Would you like your library card barcode sent to your email?:

By signing below, I agree to follow all the rules and regulations of the Ocean County Library:

**Standard text messaging fees apply

***The Ocean County Library holds parents and guardians responsible for the fines and fees associated with books and materials borrowed by their minor children under the age of 17.

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.