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How do I activate eReceipts (receipts sent to your email address) in my library account?

Patrons can receive eReceipts for check-out, renewal, and fine receipts from in the library and for renewal receipts
from Power PAC, Mobile PAC, and the automated Telemessaging system.
Login to your library account.
Click on Contact Information and Preferences.
In the section Preferences, under E-Receipts, check the box in front of E-mail.
Please make sure the email address in your library record is correct. Update e-mail address if necessary.

Can I keep a list of the titles I check out (Reading History)?

Yes. Log in to your library account and click on My Account and choose My Record from the pull down menu, then
choose Contact Information and Preferences.
Check the box at the bottom to Maintain Reading List.
A window will pop-up with the following message explaining the impact of keeping a permanent reading list: 
        “The feature you have selected is associated with person data in you patron account. Such data may be accessed

What is a password?

A password is needed to protect your privacy when accessing your account either through the online library catalog
or through our automated telephone system. If you did not give us a password at time of registration, the last four
digits of your phone number were used. If you want to change your password and you know the current one, you can
change it yourself through our online library catalog. Click on the My Account and then click on My Record. Log in
with your library barcode number and current password.