Welcoming Congressman Andy Kim

On Saturday, March 6, 2021, the Ocean County Library was honored to greet Congressman Andy Kim, who represents Ocean County and New Jersey’s Third Congressional District in Washington, DC. During his visit, Congressman Kim became familiar with the many ways that the Library continues to deepen its mission of “Connecting People…Building Community…Transforming Lives” in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic by serving as the heart of the community and continuing library services and operations in safe, responsible and innovative ways.


He was met by Ocean County Commissioner Joseph H. Vicari, the Board’s liaison to the Library; Ocean County Library Commission Chair, Ruthanne Scaturro; Library Director Susan Quinn and Assistant Director Sara Siegler; and the Ocean County Library’s Management Team and Staff.


Welcoming Congressman Chris Smith

On Saturday, April 17, 2021, the Ocean County Library was honored to greet Congressman Chris Smith, who represents Ocean County and New Jersey’s Fourth Congressional District in Washington, DC, during National Autism Awareness Month. He was given a tour of our Toms River Branch with a special highlight of our Sensory Space.


He was met by Ocean County Commissioner Joseph H. Vicari, the Board’s liaison to the Library; Ocean County Library Commission Chair, Ruthanne Scaturro; Ocean County Department of Consumer Affairs Director Stephen Scaturro; Library Director Susan Quinn; and Ocean County Library Staff.